Creating with local fabrics

Publié le par Bric-à -brac

I noticed that, since I have flickr, I forget to post in here most of my handicrafts ! But handicrafts changed my life, or else I changed myself to handicrafts ? ...

Since I'm living here, in fact, I changed myself from a passive consumer and "lèche-vitrines" fan (oh, I love that french expression !!!) and turned into a handicrafts fan. It really helps to "clear my head".

I'm exploring all  the wonderful "raw material" that I can find in here and I would like to leave behind me, once I'll be left, some fresh ideas for local artisans to innovate  their handicraft products, doing something trendy for potential buyers which  could become an interesting income for them. By now there are some enterprises that import goods ordered with "european design" at very low costs to sell in fancy shops in Europe for big prices... with so little profit to local people ....

I'll show you this : my future place to organize and display photos and memorabilia (there is a cork ceiling tile that forms the basis of it). By now, I'm just sitting back and enjoying to look at one of my favourite african fabrics as a wall art hanging ! Better than Marimekko ! ;-)

Would you buy something like this ? I would ! well, I done it and it was a hard work, I can tell you ...
When I show this to local african friends, they are really amazed:  "What ?! never thought about it, we use wax prints for clothes, not for decoration ! but that's nice, oh really our fabrics are nice !" - comments like this come out.

Publié dans crafts

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stumbled upon your blog via search engine and wow ! I'm impressed ! lovely photos !
anche a me piacciono moltissimo! complimenti!