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Banane da cuocere

Banane da cuocere

Ecco le banane plantain, dette anche banane da cuocere. Sono ottime fritte in olio di palma - normalmente sono servite di contorno a tanti piatti africani. Serve anche di accompagnamento a uno dei miei piatti preferiti da queste parti, una ricetta tipica...

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Piccole donne ...

Piccole donne ...

Facile da fare questo telaio ritagliato nel cartone , un sacchetto pieno di lana colorata e via con i progetti ! This loom is easy to do yourself and such fun ! Just like "Little women" ... A C. aprendeu a fazer este tear num atelier de verão do MNAA,...

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Borse e borsette

Borse e borsette

Vi presento Sidonie. Nel cortile polveroso di casa sua, tra galline, alberi di papaya e bambini (tutta la sua famiglia, compresi zii, ecc. abitano li) lei mi presenta le sue ultime creazioni coloratissime. Sono borse e borsette tutte diverse. Le stoffe...

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I have a stash of african fabrics that is dying to be shown-off. So, I thought it could be a good idea to frame some pieces of fabric and hang it as we do with paintings. come fare ? how to do ? This is a collection of very kitsch african wax prints that...

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Seasons here are all mixed up. Rainy season's alternates with dry season's and that's it . My garden now has wonderful shade zones because trees are full of leaves. Papaya's grow yellow, we're having bananes again, watermelons ... But I miss (a little...

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Roots in Africa

Roots in Africa

I found this kind of Kuba patchwork in an african art shop and I love it. Does quilting comes from Africa ? Anyway, it's a fact that , in the USA, quilting has strong roots in african-american communities . African-american quilts are very interesting...

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Pencil's purse

Pencil's purse

The idea for this pencil's purse comes from Marie Claire Idées n°62 , the sewing tutorial for it comes from my book "Sewing simple" , fabrics (bazin and wax print) comes from Africa ... et voilà ! And, I was tagged (again ! ...) for a book reading meme...

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Semifreddo con Crème de cassis

Semifreddo con Crème de cassis

Si avvicina la fine del Ramadan e i negozi alimentari (va be', chiamiamoli piccoli supermercati), tenuti da libanesi, si riempiono di prelibatezze spesso rare, sopratutto frutta secca ma anche altre specialità importate come la ricotta ! Una ricotta da...

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